Reach your goal within time you set

The Target Amount Savings  allows members to strategically save towards a specified financial goal over a fixed period. It provides a structured approach for members to set aside funds for a specific target, ensuring that they meet their financial objectives.


Success Rates Guarantee

Features of the Target Amount Savings:

  1. The account caters to a range of savings goals with flexible terms.

  2. Members can set a savings target and the duration over which they plan to achieve it.

  3. Competitive interest rates are offered, encouraging members to save more.

  4. The account enables automatic transfers from other accounts, making regular savings effortless.

  5. Early withdrawal may be subject to penalties, promoting discipline in savings.

  6. Regular updates and statements to track progress towards the target amount.

Remember, diligent savings today can lead to significant achievements tomorrow. Choose the Target Amount Savings and take a step closer to realizing your financial goals.