Here’s What Happens if You Take Out a Personal Loan You Can’t Afford

As a responsible microfinance institution in Kenya, Oasis Capital is dedicated to guiding our clients through their financial journeys, ensuring they make informed decisions. While personal loans can be a viable option for funding major purchases or consolidating debts, understanding the implications of taking a loan you cannot afford is crucial. Here, we explore what happens when you overextend your finances with a personal loan and how to prevent potential financial pitfalls.

Key Points to Consider Before Taking a Personal Loan

Potential Financial Overreach: Taking out a personal loan that strains your budget can severely limit your ability to meet other financial obligations. This may hinder your capacity to save for future goals like retirement or a child’s education, or even to manage daily expenses effectively.

Impact on Credit Score: Your payment history is a significant component of your credit score. Missing loan payments can decrease your score dramatically, which might complicate future financial dealings, from renting an apartment to securing another loan.

Increased Debt Burden: Late payments often attract additional charges, which can make an already challenging financial situation worse. These late fees, typically ranging between KES 2,500 and KES 5,000, increase the cost of your loan, pushing you deeper into debt.

What Could Happen If You Struggle With Loan Repayment?

Compromising Financial Goals: Allocating a large portion of your income to repay a personal loan can restrict your ability to fund important future investments. You may find yourself unable to afford critical long-term expenses or forced to sacrifice essential financial goals.

Credit Score Damage: Failing to meet payment deadlines can lead to negative reports to credit bureaus, resulting in a substantial drop in your credit score. This damage can affect many aspects of your financial life, making it harder to obtain favorable terms on future loans and even impacting your living arrangements or employment opportunities.

Accumulation of Late Fees: Delay in loan repayment is typically penalized with late fees, which compounds the financial burden. The accumulation of these fees can make it increasingly difficult to bring your loan current.

Legal Repercussions: In severe cases, if you default on a loan, the lender may initiate legal proceedings against you. This could result in a court judgment, wage garnishment, or a lien on your property. Although not always common, the possibility of legal action is a real risk that needs consideration.

Proactive Steps to Manage Loan Responsibilities

Thoroughly Assess Loan Affordability: Before applying for a personal loan, it’s critical to fully understand the repayment terms and ensure they align with your current financial situation. Use loan calculators provided by Oasis Capital to estimate monthly payments and assess how they fit into your budget.

Practice Financial Prudence: Consider simulating loan repayment by setting aside the equivalent of the monthly installment into a savings account. This practice can help you adjust your budget to accommodate the loan repayment without actual financial risk.

Seek Professional Guidance: Oasis Capital offers financial counseling to help clients understand the implications of various loan options. Consulting with our experts can provide you with a clearer perspective on your financial capabilities and the most suitable loan products.


At Oasis Capital, we emphasize the importance of borrowing within your means. While personal loans can be an effective tool for managing financial needs, they must be approached with caution and responsibility. We encourage our clients to thoroughly evaluate their financial situation, consider the long-term implications of any debt, and utilize our resources to make informed borrowing decisions. Our goal is to support you in achieving financial stability and preventing the stress associated with unmanageable debt.

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