
Years and counting...



Years and counting...



Years and counting



Years and counting



Years and counting


About Company

How we started

The Founding Vision:

Ten individuals, united by a common vision of empowering their community through financial inclusion, came together to establish Oasis Capital. They envisioned a future where every entrepreneur, regardless of their background, had access to the resources needed to succeed.

The Power of Microfinance:

Oasis Capital embraced the power of microfinance as a means of lifting individuals and communities out of poverty. They recognized that small loans could have a big impact, providing opportunities for entrepreneurship and economic empowerment.

Diversification of Services:

As Oasis Capital gained momentum, they diversified their offerings to meet the needs of their clients. They expanded into various industries, including retail, finance, fintech, and agribusiness sectors, providing tailored financial services and support.

Empowering Entrepreneurs:

Oasis Capital provided loans and support to budding entrepreneurs looking to start or expand their businesses. They played a pivotal role in revitalizing local markets, creating jobs, and stimulating economic growth.

Partnerships and Innovation:

Oasis Capital partnered with innovative fintech companies to bring cutting-edge financial solutions to underserved communities. Through technology and collaboration, they made banking more accessible and inclusive.

Investment in Agriculture:

Recognizing the importance of the agricultural sector, Oasis Capital invested in farmers and agribusinesses. They provided capital and support for modernization efforts, helping farmers increase their yields and improve their livelihoods.

Ripple Effects of Success:

As Oasis Capital's impact grew, it rippled outward, touching the lives of countless individuals across Kenya. Families were lifted out of poverty, businesses flourished, and communities thrived, creating a positive cycle of growth and development.

The Journey Ahead:

Despite their achievements, Oasis Capital remained committed to their founding principles and vision for the future. They continued to expand their reach and impact, driven by a belief in the transformative power of finance.



Consulting Experience

  • Property investments
  • Loans and savings
  • Finance advice consultancy
  • Software investments
  • Simple
  • Transparent
  • Secure

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